- Visithttps://courses.cpe.ubc.ca/browse/ubcv/faculty-of-science/phys-and-astr/courses/2022-michael-smith-challenge
- Click on “enroll”
- Enter your name, email, and register for an account.
- Click on “enroll” again on the Checkout page and complete your enrollment. Do not click on “go to course” just yet.
- You will receive two confirmation emails. In the “Complete your Canvas registration” email, click on the “complete registration” button to set up a password for your account.
- You are now enrolled in the 2022 Michael Smith Challenge.
//On the day of the challenge//
- Make sure you have your teacher’s teacher ID and challenge passcode.
- Go tohttps://ubccpe.instructure.com/courses/2473and log in your account.
- Complete the challenge between 6am-8pm PST.
After you register this challenge, please choose Curriculum page to get your teacherID and passcode. You should go to https://ubccpe.instructure.com/courses/2473 to attend the challenge at 6:00pm ET, Feb. 15, 2022. No teacher invigilation is required.